Out Of This World

It's easy to get into a rut, even when "living free". The walls of our world build up around our minds and we become mentally isolated from why we started our journeys in the first place. It's insidious, albeit not intentional. Routines have a propensity of doing that.

I've been powering through a book by Grant Cardone called The 10X Rule. In his book he advocates for immediate and unreasonable actions to attain your goals and obtain success. While I listened, I reminisced about what got me started on this journey in the first place, and it is a simple idea: to spend every possible moment I can with my wife and my children before I die.

If it's a cliché idea it's because there's a grain of truth in it. We see it often in our pop culture; our books, movies, and stories. A dying man's final regret was simply not spending more time with his wife and kids. So today I took immediate (although quite reasonable) actions to be with my family. I mentally cleared my day and dedicated it to being with them.

We woke up an hour earlier than usual –on a school day for the girls– and went and caught the sunrise on Hollywood Beach, in South Florida. Maya popped right up out of bed; Cyra took a little coaxing to wake up, but were were on the road pretty quickly. Included in today's adventure is Andre, our two-month-old.

Maya chomping down on some yogurt and granola at sunrise on Hollywood Beach, Florida.

We dropped the girls off at school, and made way for some breakfast at one of my all-time favorite restaurants located on the airport at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport: Jet Runway Cafe.

A Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander getting some gas before it heads off to the Bahamas. Oh, and breakfast.

After breakfast, while Shiela, Andre, and I visited an old friend, I was checking up on an order of model rocket engines I had ordered for a model rocket I built earlier in the week and discovered they were still nowhere near being delivered (thanks for nothing USPS!). So I took a lesson out of my new 10X Rule notebook and decided to just go f-ing buy them. So the three of us piled into the truck and I picked them up before we went and got the girls – and I'm so glad I did:

Explaining to Maya why we have to aim the rocket into the wind.
Cyra learning about critical model rocket components, such as "the silver part" and "the purple part".

By the time we got to the "C" sized engines, I had to pull out my binoculars in order to track the rocket!

Final Thoughts

While we're spending lots of time bonding with our new baby Andre, we've also voluntarily taken on some routine and mundane tasks. My day notably consists of driving everyone around since we've only got one car here. I pickup and drop off the girls at school, I take Shiela to work and often pick her up, and my parents-in-law also work evenings for a couple of hours. In between all of that I try to take care of some things, but not with the effort I should.

I want well-above-average success, so I have to put in well-above-average effort. For me, this starts with my family.

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